Thursday, June 30, 2011

Blog #8 My Creative Hero who inspires me

               Hey everyone, welcome once again to my blog. I hope everybody enjoy the last one I post last week. It was important to me to address that topic. This week, I decided to take a look at someone who have inspired me. It relates to what was mention in last week blog. The film aspect of that topic. The person who inspired me is a Filmmaker. He is someone who made me look at films in a different way. That very man whose inspiration is important to me is Steven Spielberg.

                Steven Spielberg is what I believe an amazing storyteller. The way he displays it on film. I always like movies just as much as any commercial media in entertainment. Spielberg has single handed made me enjoy movies so much more and appreciate its entertainment value to the industry. I loved movies more than anything till the digital media industry started to challenge it. Though, despite that, movies still remain my favorite entertainment media of choice. 

                I was very young (around 7 or 8 years old) when I first saw "Raiders of the lost Ark". It was the first Spielberg film I saw and the one that made me enjoy watching films. Before this film came out in theaters, the first Superman movie (my first film I remember seeing on the big screen ever) and Star Wars was the only films I enjoy at that point. These movies and every other Spielberg film following were my greatest joy and escapism in my life. It is one of the reason I thought of pursuing film. The escape from reality in our messed up world to the joy of unlimited imagination in film.
                  The Complete Spielberg book

                Spielberg to me is the filmmaker that establish movie going for the general public and help the movie industry along with George Lucas to be profitable. He made blockbuster films like "E.T., "Close Encounters of the Third Kind", and his first hit "Jaws". He stated in his book "The Complete Spielberg", "...There's no rules. I don't believe there's a law of cinema. Movies are dreams...". This shows as he was notorious in going against and challenging the MPAA to changing the ratings on his films. The first two Indiana Jones and Gremlins films were if not made and associated with Spielberg, it would probably will get an R rating. He pretty much led the MPAA to create the PG-13 rating. This has help most blockbusters to become moneymakers today. He even has participated in executive producing in films like "The Goonies" to "Transformers. Dark of the Moon" that is currently playing in theaters now.

Transformers Producer Steven spielberg and Director Michael Bay


              Spielberg inspired me to make movies one day that will make children enjoy, learn, encourage, and escape into his cinematic world. He studies his craft by following great filmmakers of the 40s and 50s. Now, he, like the digital media artist, has venture into animation, science fiction television programs, and video games. He has ignited a passion for this cinema, making it bigger than life itself.
Steven Spielberg on the Importance of Studying Classic Films

1 comment:

  1. Steven Speilberg is the quintessential storyteller!! "Super 8" confirms this.

    Blog Score: 5

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