Thursday, June 9, 2011

Blog #4 My COMIC LIFE Projects, Could Be the Beginning!

              Good day everyone, thank you once again for visiting my blog. Yours truly was working all about on his comics. My class Instructor introduced us to a cool program called "COMIC LIFE" that been around for sometime now. Its got a second program out already. Darn! Where was I? Anyway, My class and I had to conduct a comic book project using this wonderful little program.

               This program was difficult to use at first, but I soon got the hang of it. I was able to understand the function and features around this application. My experience with this program was and still a joy to use. I had fun playing around with the features. This is a good application software for anybody interested in the comic book industry. I suggest people who want to use this program to get the Apple/Mac version. They have it for Windows too, just the Mac version runs better. I have use it on both the Mac and Windows version. The Windows (Demo version) would freeze occasionally, especially when running other programs in the background like downloading files on the Internet. My Demo version froze 3 or 4 times within 2 hours of use. Don't get me wrong though! I still think the Windows version not bad once you get the full edition. Otherwise, I would get the Mac version if you own an Apple computer.

               It took me a while to do the comics on the program. Yeah, you heard right! I was not sure or comfortable with the first comic. It was based off the "Dragonball"series. I took two characters from the show and made a comic skit off it. I kept starting over continuously till I got the panels right with the story. I use pictures from comics, animated cells, and illustrations in my version of the comic. The story was just a set up of a fight between "Goku and Roshi". Not meant to be deep, but short and silly. Seeing how much originality was put on it, I decided to do another comic skit. The second comic skit was on pictures I taken from my camera phone collage together for a story. The story is really a little skit with a message. Some may not get it right away as it is shown in a bizarre comical view with my son and a friend of the family in the skit.

                                                               dragonball comic
                               snack monster comic

               Hopefully, everyone will enjoy it as I link it here for all of us to see my (Comic) life's work here to display. Enjoy everybody!!   ...And remember, It all started here in TCI.

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